Saturday, January 25, 2014

Italy, Sunsets and Silhouettes

All of these pieces are related by theme. Mine happen to be related in three ways. They are all based on pictures that were taken in Italy of silhouettes during a sunset. I think skies are absolutely beautiful which is why I picked these pictures.

Overall, I am very happy with how my painting turned out. There are some portions of the sky, like the middle section, that I am proud of and other sections, like the silhouette that I wish I could have perfected.  I love how I blended the sky even though the colors do not exactly match the colors in the photo that I took. I wish I made the purple clouds behind the lamp post a little lighter so that the lamp post could stand out more. I am really proud of the highlights on the clouds.

Sketching is not really my thing but I am pleased with this finished product. The silhouette was difficult for me since I am not very good with drawing faces. I was thrilled when my mom was able to identify the man as my dad even though she couldn't identify herself.  The clouds are my proudest accomplishment in this picture. I always rely on colors to paint the sky and it's difficult for me to get the texture of the clouds. However, on this sketch I loved my completion of the cloud in the upper left hand corner.

This is my second sketch and it is my least favorite piece. I wish I could have painted it because of its beautiful colors. With the lack of color, I found it difficult to sketch the clouds. I could nail the darker clouds and silhouettes but it was harder for me to get the colored highlights on the clouds. I am proud of my silhouettes in this picture, especially the lamp because I feel like I got all of the angles right.